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Homelessness report reveals surge in preventable deaths

Almost 1,500 people are dying in homelessness every year, with new research from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare showing a 63 per cent surge in preventable deaths. Source: The Guardian.


Church affirms commitment to all people with disabilities 

Ahead of the International Day of People with Disability, the Church in Australia has affirmed its commitment to upholding and protecting the dignity and wellbeing of all people with disabilities. Source: ACBC.

Peace Pope Francis

Pope renews call for peace in Ukraine and Holy Land

Pope Francis yesterday renewed his heartfelt appeal for peace and solidarity for those suffering war, especially in Ukraine and the Holy Land. Source: Vatican News.

In The Dioceses Ordination

Vocational journey of 19 years culminates with ordination

Parramatta Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv. said it was with great joy that the community came together “as a household of faith in Jesus Christ” to celebrate the ordination of Fr Menard Gaspi. Source: Catholic Outlook.


A legacy of service and dedication to the Church and education

Steve Sedgwick, the former Australian Public Service Commissioner and inaugural chair of Catholic Schools NSW, died on Monday after a short illness. Source: Catholic Voice. 

HIgher Education

Blackfriars returns to Church after 140 years 

A piece of Sydney Catholic history has returned after 140 years, with the Blackfriars site at Broadway once again under Catholic ownership. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Canon Law Vatican

Vatican considers making  ‘spiritual abuse’ a crime in Church law

The Vatican may make “spiritual abuse” a formalised crime in Church law, rather than merely an aggravating circumstance of other crimes. Source: CNA.


Catholic school in Bangladesh forced to close after mob attack

A Catholic school in Bangladesh has been closed indefinitely following acts of violence and vandalism. Source: Crux.


Former activist apologises for 2013 Notre Dame protest

A decade after Marguerite Stern entered Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, screaming and topless, to demonstrate her hatred of the Church and the Pope, she has apologised to Catholics for her actions. Source: OSV News.