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Politics Social media

Albanese to announce plans to block children from social media

Children will be blocked from social media under sweeping national plans to shield young people from online harm by mandating strict age barriers in federal law and punishing tech giants that break the rules. Source: The Age.

Papal Trip Pope Francis

Tens of thousands line the streets to welcome Pope to Timor-Leste

The faith that sustained the hope of the people of Timor-Leste in their struggle for independence should be a resource now as the country tries to cope with social, economic and environmental problems, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: OSV News.


Cries of ‘Aussie, Aussie, Aussie’ heard before Eucharistic Congress’s opening Mass

More than 40 Australian pilgrims joined thousands of faithful from all over world for the opening Mass of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Human Rights Modern Slavery

ACRATH lobbies federal MPs for more action on modern slavery

Staff and members of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans are at Parliament House in the ACT this week to discuss modern slavery and human trafficking with MPs.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Australia’s low level of income support a ‘national shame’

Australians on income support are cutting back on meat, fresh fruit and vegetables as the rising cost of living stretches their low payments. Source: Canberra Daily.

Appointment HIgher Education

Australian Catholic University appoints new chief operating officer

Patrick Woods has been appointed as Australian Catholic University’s new chief operating officer.


Caritas forms alliance to address imminent famine in Sudan

Caritas Internationalis and global faith-based humanitarian organisation ACT Alliance have joined forces to address imminent famine in Sudan. Source: Caritas Australia.


Bishop warns against assisted suicide as House of Lords prepares for debate

A Catholic bishop in England is warning that the legalisation of assisted suicide “undermines the sanctity and dignity of human life”. Source: Crux.


Flash flooding temporarily closes Lourdes’ grotto

River flooding forced the temporary closure of the famous grotto at the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in southern France. Source: NCR Online.