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The faithful are invited to pray one or more Hail Marys for Pope Francis (Vatican Media)

An online prayer initiative has been launched ahead of the 10th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Francis on March 13. Source: Vatican News.

To highlight this milestone anniversary in a “viral” manner, the Digital Synod has launched a special online map featuring virtual lighted candles representing the prayers of the faithful worldwide for him.

According to a Vatican press release, “The Petrine ministry is a great grace that Jesus granted to His Church and we must always be grateful for it. Therefore, prayer must be our best gift, so that God may support the service of the one He has chosen for this ministry because on this rock He builds His Church in time and history”.

Anyone who wishes to join the initiative will find an invitation on the website to pray one or more Hail Marys for Pope Francis.

“In the end we will send the Holy Father the map with the  ‘little candles’ which represent the Hail Marys that are prayed for him, thanking God for His Mercy,” the statement concludes.


A special prayer initiative for the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ pontificate (Vatican News)