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The Cup of Peace Cafe in Camden (The Good Oil/Mater Dei School)

Senior students at a Good Samaritan school in Sydney embarked on a new endeavour in business and hospitality this year by opening the Cup of Peace Café – an enterprise they helped bring to life as part of their school curriculum and pathway to future employment. Source: The Good Oil.

The café is located in the Mater Dei School’s hospitality suite and has proven to be a hit with both students and staff.

Mater Dei is situated in Camden, on Sydney’s southern outskirts, and is a member of Good Samaritan Education.

It consists of the Mater Dei School, a kindergarten to year 12 school for students with intellectual disability, as well as post-school programs, allied health services and early childhood education.

Curriculum leader Nicole Robinson said the idea for the Cup of Peace Café came from students in the Year 11 Design and Technology unit and the Working Community unit for Year 12.

“We started the design process in Term One this year, looking at the question of identifying something in the school that we could change or improve,” she said.

“In those discussions, we realised that the school didn’t have a café and that was something that we could work on.”

The students came up with everything from the name of the café to setting up of the space, the menu, and the making and serving of the food and beverages. They also completed a barista course to ensure their coffee-making was retail quality before the doors opened.

The whole enterprise is designed not only to meet the school curriculum requirements, but to help equip students with workplace skills for the future.


Cup of Peace Café provides a pathway to future employment (The Good Oil)