“The vision has to become action,” Archbishop Mark Coleridge said at the launch of Brisbane Archdiocese’s Laudato Si’ Action Plan 2024-2026 yesterday. Source: The Catholic Leader.
He said there had been “so much talk” from politicians and decision-makers, but “talk is not enough”.
“We have to listen to the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor,” he said, and this “listening will lead to action”.
The Laudato Si’ Action Plan was composed by people from all agencies of the Brisbane archdiocese and represented at the launch were Brisbane Catholic Education, Centacare, Archdiocesan Services, Evangelisation Brisbane and the Office of Legal, Governance and Risk.
Laudato Si’ Action Plan co-ordinator Emma Beach said the action plan was not just a piece of paper to go into the back of a drawer – it was “going to happen”.
She said while it was a relief to launch the plan, “now we’ve got to do it”.
“We’ve got to continue to find creative ways to make a difference,” she said. “We’ve got some big ticket items in there about investment, about our (car) fleet, about our procurement – it’s big stuff.”
She said the plan was for the whole archdiocese and while elements of it affect parishioners, parishes were encouraged to look at the plan as stimulus for finding actions in their own contexts.
Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ was not only about taking care of the environment, she said, it was about the interconnectedness of all creation covering topics like caring for the poor, truth-telling and nuclear disarmament.
The action plan’s goals come with detailed actions, including expected timeframes and who would be responsible for carrying it out.
To find out more about Brisbane Archdiocese’s Laudato Si’ Action Plan, head to: https://evangelisationbrisbane.org.au/inclusion_archived/laudato-si-action-plan/
Brisbane archdiocese launches Laudato Si’ Action Plan 2024-2026 (By Joe Higgins, The Catholic Leader)