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Catholic Health Australia supports further consultation on the draft Aged Care Act before the legislation is introduced to federal Parliament.

The peak body, which represents 12 per cent of aged care facilities and 20 per cent of at-home care provision, has encouraged the Government to set up a working group to provide expert input on the new laws.

“The Government has shown determination to act on the recommendations of the royal commission and we strongly support moves to ensure the rights of older Australians are enshrined in legislation as soon as possible,” said Catholic Health Australia CEO Jason Kara.

“Catholic Health Australia strongly endorses the rights-based approach adopted under the draft legislation, which fundamentally aligns to our core values and mission.

“However, there are some issues with the existing draft that could cause unintended consequences and substantial parts of the new Act are not yet drafted which need to be worked through before Members of Parliament could be asked to vote on it.

“Catholic Health Australia supports the Government’s decision to refine and finalise the draft legislation based upon stakeholder feedback before it is introduced to Parliament.

“These new laws impact every Australian receiving aged care and are too important to rush. We would welcome the opportunity to provide further feedback through a working group so the draft legislation can be finalised as soon as possible.”

Catholic Health Australia says it has appreciated the opportunity to provide input into the Department’s consultation on the draft legislation to date.


Further consultation on Aged Care Act can improve outcomes (Catholic Health Australia)


Delays to aged care reforms fuels concern care agenda neglected (The Australian)

Landmark aged care laws could be delayed for another year (