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The cover of the commemorative book, featuring Laxmi from Nepal (Caritas Australia)

Caritas Australia is celebrating its 60th anniversary with the launch of a limited-edition commemorative book, 60 Faces: Portraits of Compassion in Action. 

Founded in 1964 as the Catholic Overseas Relief Committee and later renamed Caritas Australia, the charity has expanded to work in 36 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific.

It is part of one of the largest humanitarian networks in the world, Caritas Internationalis, which is a confederation of 162 member organisations, with programs in 200 countries and more than one million staff and volunteers.

The commemorative book, which is available for pre-order, features portraits of participants in programs across Australia and overseas and is now available for pre-order.

“The faces and stories in this book represent the impact of kindness on the world’s most vulnerable communities,” Caritas Australia chief executive Kirsty Robertson said.

“This impact is made possible by the collective generosity, love and compassion of our supporters, to whom we are sincerely grateful. Last year alone, we were able to reach over 1.5 million people across 36 countries by walking together in our mission to uphold dignity and promote justice.

“We hope that everyone draws as much hope, strength, and light from this book as we do.”

The book is supported by a virtual exhibition, where supporters can vote for their favourite portrait and enter the draw to win artwork from Caritas Australia’s First Australian program partner, Djlipin Arts.

Created by First Nations artist Harry Malibirr, the painting depicts five of his dreaming stories in acrylics. It was painted using a handmade jarlk grass reed brush harvested from local billabongs and wet areas.

Twenty of the commemorative books are also available as runner-up prizes.

Details: Caritas Australia 60th anniversary


Caritas Australia launches book to celebrate 60 years of ‘compassion in action’ (Melbourne Catholic)