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The Fair Work Commission’s decision to raise the nation’s minimum wage to 3.75 per cent has fallen short of the 4.9 per cent increase sought by the Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

More than 2.6 million Australians will receive an hourly pay rate rise at the beginning of July, when the minimum hourly rate rises from $23.23 an hour to $24.10, or by $33 per week for a full-time worker.

Bishop delegate for ACCER, Bishop Michael Kennedy, said that while the decision was welcome, employees who depend upon on a just and fair annual increment will continue to experience financial stress.

“Employees who rely on modern award minimum wage rates differ greatly to the typical Australian workforce,” Bishop Kennedy said.

“They typically work part-time, are women, and casual employees. A just and fair rise in the national minimum wage is needed to keep millions of Australians such as these out of poverty and social disadvantage.”

Bishop Kennedy said the submission to the FWC by ACCER had sought a 4.9 per cent increase.

“The submission by ACCER, in partnership with the Australian Catholic University, was based on intensive research which concluded that a 4.9 per cent boost in the minimum wage would help address the cost-of-living crisis, something the Albanese Government has made a priority during its term in office,” he said. 

Bishop Vincent Long – chair of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service – said while the increase was consistent with forecasts of inflation returning to a target below three per cent in 2025, bishops remain concerned about the standard of living of the lowest-paid working Australians, including women, and workers with caring responsibilities.

“ACCER’s proposal of 4.9 per cent was made in support of the interests of low-paid workers, who live and work in poverty,” Bishop Long said.


Pay rise welcome but more needs to be done to address poverty (ACBC Media Blog)