What started out as a shared love of country drives has turned into an adventure around the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese for Michael and Erica de Raadt. Source: Catholic Voice.
“We have been in Canberra for almost 10 years now, and we like to go for drives to explore and particularly to visit nice, small country towns,” Mr de Raadt said.
“Erica had this idea that we could set ourselves the challenge of visiting every church in the Archdiocese.”
As the couple started researching, they were surprised to discover just how many churches that would include.
“There’s about 87 churches that have Masses,” Mr de Raadt said. “Some of them are quite remote and don’t have Mass frequently – maybe only the fifth Sunday of the month – so we really need to plan carefully for those ones.”
Mr de Raadt said that since becoming empty nesters, the couple had more freedom to take trips together.
“We have visited about a quarter of the churches so far – our criteria is that we have to attend Mass there together for it to count,” he said. “One of the fun parts is that you show up at a church where they don’t usually get visitors, and everyone says, ‘Oh, hello! Who are you?’ They are always lovely and welcoming.”
Mr de Raadt said it had been interesting to note the differences and similarities between parishes. “There is a lot of variety,” he said. “We have the same Mass everywhere we go, of course, but there are always little touches in how people do their music and prayers.”
Mr de Raadt said the couple had been “welcomed everywhere we go”.
“I think one of the most important ministries in a parish isn’t necessarily off the altar – it is at the front door.”
Couple to visit 87 churches across the Archdiocese (Catholic Voice)