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Sydney Catholic Schools and Sydney Archdiocese’s liturgy office have partnered to train senior students as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (The Catholic Weekly)

Parish life in Sydney is being future-proofed with a successful partnership between Sydney Catholic Schools and Sydney Archdiocese’s liturgy office to train senior students as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Personal inspiration also brought 60 Sydney Catholic students as well as school staff and family educators to the most recent training day held at Southern Cross College in Burwood.

Sydney Catholic School’s Anita Sicari says the course, run twice a year and accredited by the liturgy office, provides students reaching the end of their schooling with spiritual formation and liturgical training they can then carry into their parishes in the years ahead.

“It’s a beautiful link for them between their Catholic school and parish life,” she said.

Student and staff members must be recommended for the course and supported by their parish priest and school principal before completing the training and then an online reflection.

George Rahal, youth ministry coordinator at St Vincent’s College, Ashfield, said that more extraordinary ministers for large school Masses were needed after its amalgamation from De La Salle College, Bethlehem College and St Vincent’s Primary earlier this year.

“I think it’s important for the students to show leadership and a willingness to be involved in their Catholic faith in a deeper sense, and giving them the opportunity to take on this responsibility is also important for their social intelligence and growth as a human beings,” he said.


Youth keen to link faith and life post-school (By Marilyn Rodrigues, The Catholic Weekly)