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Three-quarters of disability care providers consider shutting their doors

Nearly three-quarters of disability care providers are considering shutting their doors, as organisations working with the National Disability Insurance Scheme say a recent cap on price growth will leave their work financially unviable. Source: The Australian.

World Youth Day

It’s official: World Youth Day has Seoul

The Church in South Korea has officially set the stage for World Youth Day 2027 with a launch event at Myeongdong Cathedral in Seoul. Source: Vatican News.


Without the Church in Africa ‘there would be no life, no hope and no future’

A Congolese cardinal has described the Church in Africa as “a champion of human development”, saying the Church is making up for state deficiencies in many places. Source: OSV News.

Finance Vatican

Report suggests long-term worries for Vatican finances

A new analysis of the Vatican’s finances by an Italian news outlet contains both good and bad news, pointing to relative success in efforts to contain ballooning deficits but also seemingly irreversible long-term declines. Source: Crux.


Paris Olympics organisers apologise to Christians for Last Supper parody

The Paris Olympics organising committee has apologised to Catholics and other Christian groups who were outraged over an apparent drag parody of the Last Supper during the opening ceremony on Friday. Source: The Guardian and Crux. 


COVID shows need to prepare for future pandemics, inquiry told

COVID-19 has left Australians with poorer physical and mental health, and helped fuel inflation because of too many government handouts, the first wide-ranging inquiry into the pandemic has heard. Source: The Age.

Aged Care

Aged care sector at a ‘crisis juncture’

Three in four of the nation’s 2600 nursing homes face years of sustained financial losses if the Albanese Government fails to act on the funding recommendations of its own aged care taskforce, a new analysis warns. Source: The Australian.

Middle East Politics

Leaders call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has joined with his counterparts from Canada and New Zealand to urge Israel to implement an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Education Tasmania

Why young people need to be formed with Christian humanism

How to rescue Australian culture from secular humanism and replace it with authentic humanism was the topic of discussion at the ninth annual Dawson Centre Colloquium. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.