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Articles By This Author

Religious Freedom

Broken election promise sparks community angerĀ 

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has angered both equality advocates and faith groups after abandoning his election promise to introduce religious discrimination reforms and protect LGBTQ students and teachers in a bid to avoid a culture war. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


NAPLAN scores show gaps despite stable results

NAPLAN results have held stable and so have entrenched academic gaps between boys and girls, urban and regional children, and First Nations students. Source: SBS News.

Synodality Women

Visiting theologian stresses importance of laity in the ChurchĀ 

Dutch theologian Myriam Wijlens discussed the value of listening, the journey of synodality, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the Church at a public lecture hosted by Parramatta Diocese. Source: Catholic Outlook.


Shorten willing to by-pass states to achieve NDIS reforms

National Disability Insurance Scheme Minister Bill Shorten says he is willing to strike a deal with the Coalition on reforming the $40 billion-a-year scheme without the backing of state governments. Source: The Australian.


Quick-thinking students prevented bus disaster after driver collapsed

Heroic quick-thinking by a handful of Brisbane Catholic secondary students prevented a disaster on a regular afternoon bus drop-off last month. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Mental Health Social Services

How animals can help kids manage stress, anxiety and depression

When Liz Sparks enters a room, it lights up with smiles, thanks largely to the menagerie of animals accompanying her. Source: The Southern Cross.


Russian missile destroys Catholic church in Ukraine

Russian forces have destroyed another Ukrainian Greek Catholic church, while a priest at a separate parish is removing sacred items ahead of an expected Russian attack. Source: OSV News.


Lourdes baths reopen as 30,000 expected for Assumption pilgrimage

The baths at the Marian shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France have fully reopened this week for the first time in four years for Franceā€™s national pilgrimage for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Source: CNA.

Asia Peace

Fans of peace call for nuclear-free Northeast Asia

A three-nation Catholic peace meeting in Japan has appealed for an end to militarisation and nuclear arms race in Northeast Asia. Source: UCA News.