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Digital Life Politics Religious Freedom

PM defends social media disinformation bill

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese defended Labor’s social media disinformation bill yesterday, explaining it addresses concerns of media organisations about misinformation on social media. Source: The Guardian.

Digital Life Politics Religious Freedom

Church seeks exemption for religious belief in misinformation bill

Catholics and Muslims have raised the alarm about the potential for Labor’s new online misinformation laws to restrain the teaching of religious doctrine on issues such as euthanasia. Source: The Age.

Digital Life Peace United Nations

Holy See calls on UN members to promote culture of peace in digital era

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations has called on UN-member states to make honest assessments of the effects of digital technology on education, dialogue and the broader pursuit of peace. Source: Vatican News.

Digital Life Education Youth

New podcast series gives students a voice

Year 11 students from a Melbourne Catholic secondary school have shared their views on subjects such as bullying, academic stress, addiction, judgement, social media challenges and nurturing friendships in a new series of podcasts. Source: Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.

Digital Life

AI-inspired app quickly answers the big – and small – questions

A new Australian artificial intelligence-inspired app aims to deliver quick and reliable answers to questions about the Church and its teachings. Source: Majellan Media.

Digital Life HIgher Education

Concerns over AI keep ACU chancellor ‘up at night’

Australian Catholic University chancellor Martin Daubney says the development of artificial intelligence is what keeps him up at night. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Digital Life HIgher Education Vatican

Catholic universities must engage with AI’s development, cardinal says

Catholic universities must not recoil from the daunting risks of artificial intelligence but become proactively involved in its ethical development, the head of the Dicastery for Culture and Education said yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Digital Life Technology

Global meeting to map future for universities in AI age

Academics and Church leaders will discuss the impact of artificial intelligence at a gathering of Catholic research universities in Milan this week. Source: ACU.

Digital Life

AI chatbot offers ‘guidance and wisdom’ based on Jesus’ teachings

“AI Jesus” has entered the chat, and he’s taking questions on everything from break-ups to whether pineapple belongs on pizza, and even the virtues and vices of capitalism. Source: SBS News.