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Disability In The Dioceses

Ministry of evangelisation spreads the word – slowly

SPRED – SPecial REligious Development – is a ministry of evangelisation and belonging that has fostered the spiritual life of people living with intellectual disabilities in the Toowoomba Diocese for nearly 40 years.

Disability Immigration

Rethink urged on ‘outdated’ treatment of migrants with disabilities

An Albanese Government review into Australia’s treatment of migrants with disabilities and permanent health conditions has branded its approach outdated and called for an overhaul as desperate families face removal from the country. Source: The Age.


More providers pull out following latest pay freeze

Tens of thousands of people with a disability face losing their NDIS support co-ordinator, after more than 300 providers indicated they will pull out of the disability scheme following a fifth consecutive annual pay freeze. Source: Daily Telegraph.


Human rights concerns raised over NDIS bill as Shorten blasts delays

A Labor-chaired parliamentary committee has flagged human rights concerns with the Albanese Government’s proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Source: The Guardian.

Disability Politics

Shorten says delay in NDIS overhaul will cost taxpayers $1 billion

Taxpayers will be $1 billion worse off, a cabinet minister has warned, after Greens and Opposition MPs teamed up to delay the federal Government’s disability support overhaul. Source: Canberra Times.


New appeal helps people with disability to ‘Work It!’ 

Melbourne-based Catholic aged and disability organisation VMCH will support young people with disabilities to enter the workforce and begin their journey to independence. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Disability Politics

Disability community rejects key NDIS review proposals

Key recommendations in the National Disability Insurance Scheme review have been met with concern by the disability community, with a new survey finding nearly 70 per cent of respondents disagree with the proposal to make provider registration mandatory. Source: The Australian.

Disability Victoria

Young regional Victorians launch into independence

An innovative home in regional Victoria is giving young locals with disability a springboard to launch their independence. Source: VMCH.


Centacare educator determined to give people with a disability a choice

Lesley Cutts is on a mission to ensure Centacare Catholic Family Services clients living in supported independent living or participating in short-term respite programs live life to the full. Source: The Southern Cross.