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Disability ministers delay response to bombshell royal commission

Australia’s disability ministers will not provide their response to the landmark royal commission report until at least next month – seven months after the commissioners handed down their findings. Source: The Australian.

Disability Politics

NDIS savings plan kept secret as parents fear children will lose funding

Coalition and Greens senators have combined to accuse Labor of secrecy over its plans to reduce the cost of the $42 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme, saying parents fear their children will be kicked off the scheme. Source: The Age.

Disability Politics

New strategy aims to deliver more disability programs outside scheme

Critical work to take financial pressure off the $42 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme will begin with a new federally funded strategy to develop and deliver more disability programs outside the scheme. Source: The Australian.


Actuary estimates extra $25 billion needed to make scheme sustainable

Governments will need to invest an additional $25 billion over the next five years if they are to achieve plans to rein in the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s growth by raising disability services outside the scheme, an actuary has estimated. Source: The Guardian.

Disability Education Employment

Café menu includes food, coffee and a pathway to future employment

Senior students at a Good Samaritan school in Sydney embarked on a new endeavour in business and hospitality this year by opening the Cup of Peace Café – an enterprise they helped bring to life as part of their school curriculum and pathway to future employment. Source: The Good Oil.


NDIS review recommends major changes to scheme

National Disability Insurance Scheme access based on a medical diagnosis should end and eligibility should be determined instead by how a person’s disability affects their everyday life, a landmark review says. Source: The Australian.


NDIS needs ‘immediate changes’ to bring down costs

Hitting National Cabinet’s 8 per cent National Disability Insurance Scheme cost target by 2026 will require immediate changes to both assessment for the scheme and what is covered by “reasonable and necessary” support, a disability expert warns. Source: The Australian.

Disability Pope Francis Prayer

We must give greater support to people with disabilities: Pope

Making places more accessible for people with disabilities requires removing physical barriers and adjusting attitudes to be more open and inclusive, Pope Francis says in his new Pope Video. Source: OSV News.

Disability HIgher Education

Notre Dame student graduates to global organisation

A University of Notre Dame student has used her positive experience of access and inclusion at the university to inspire a global organisation to make itself more accessible to people with disabilities and learning impairments.