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Digital Life Education

Catholic high school expels student hackers

Students at a Perth Catholic school had been hacking into an online data portal to check grades and test scores for years before they were detected. Source: The West Australian.

Appointment Education

Cairns appoints new education leader for 2025

Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns will have a new leader in 2025, with Diarmuid O’Riordan selected to take over from Bill Dixon who will retire in December.

Education People

Education director retires after 23 years feeling ‘truly blessed’ 

Catholic Education Rockhampton has farewelled Leesa Jeffcoat at a Mass of Thanksgiving at St Joseph’s Cathedral, Rockhampton, as she concludes her time as director after more than two decades in the role.


Teaching kids to read using phonics ‘a win’ for Victorian students  

Australian Catholic University has welcomed the Victorian Government’s commitment to an explicit teaching and learning approach, including structured phonics, in classrooms.


Queensland educator takes on dual principalship

Queensland educator Britt Gurnett has taken on a dual principalship this year, as principal of St John Fisher College Bracken Ridge and Brisbane Catholic Education’s first online school, FisherONE Online Education. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Asylum-Seekers Education

Deported asylum-seeker returns to former school as teacher

Nagina Zahra will never forget the moment she donned her St Aloysius College Adelaide school uniform for the first time. It was 2004 and as a newly arrived asylum-seeker from Afghanistan, everything felt alien. Source: The Southern Cross.

Ecology Education

Catholic school receives top award for environmental leadership

A coastal Victorian Catholic primary school has been recognised by Sustainability Victoria for its leadership and commitment to caring for the environment. Source: Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education.

Education Religious Orders

Students pay tribute to arrival of Presentation Sisters 150 years ago

Nine schools have celebrated the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first Presentation Sisters in the Wagga Wagga Diocese.


New Catholic school planned for growing South Australian region

Catholic Education South Australia will establish a new $30 million school to meet growing demand in the town of Strathalbyn and the surrounding area. Source: The Advertiser.