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Education Migrants

Call for focus on refugee and migrant children

A new study has found children from migrant and refugee backgrounds are more likely to be developmentally vulnerable when starting school, causing repercussions that could carry into adulthood.  Source: SBS News. 

Education Relationships

Students appreciate healthy relationships talks

Catholic Schools Broken Bay students who attended a presentation by renowned speaker and author Jason Evert yesterday gave overwhelmingly positive feedback on his talk. 


Australia ranks in top levels of school bullying

Australian teenage students face the second highest level of bullying among 24 OECD countries, according to a new report, which found only Latvia in north-eastern Europe reported higher levels. Source: SBS News.


Educators explore how to nurture mind and soul

Some of the world’s most respected and influential Catholic educators have descended on Canberra for a two-day conference on the role of schools as “centres of evangelisation”. Source: Australian Catholic University.

Education Families

Extra funding for Queensland school parent body

Catholic School Parents Queensland has welcomed the announcement of an additional $100,000 funding from the Queensland Government to enhance their work with families in Catholic schools.

Education Religious Freedom

Faith is under attack, says federal coalition

Pressure is mounting on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over religious discrimination laws with parents and teachers declaring the proposed changes an attack on faith-based schools. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


UK expert in school behaviour says teachers need more support

Providing additional support to teachers and principals in controlling escalating poor behaviour in Australian classrooms is vitally important, according to a British school behaviour expert visiting Australia. Source: UNDA.

Education Religious Freedom

Tasmanian Catholics unite against changes to religious freedom laws

Catholic Education Tasmania has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urging him not to “enact laws that will divide us over religion”. Source: The Australian.

Education Opinion

Teachers provide faith, hope and love: Dr Simons

Schools play an important role in a world with a growing sense of uncertainty, writes Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools executive director Ed Simons. Source: Herald Sun.