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Europe Euthanasia

Scottish Parliament to debate third assisted dying bill

The Scottish Parliament is consulting on a new bill to legalise euthanasia in the country for terminally ill and mentally competent adults. Source: Vatican News.


Lourdes baths reopen as 30,000 expected for Assumption pilgrimage

The baths at the Marian shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France have fully reopened this week for the first time in four years for France’s national pilgrimage for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Source: CNA.

Europe Sport

Paris mayor launches scathing attack on Church, far-right over opening ceremony

The mayor of Paris has launched an extraordinary attack on religious leaders and politicians who voiced their outrage at the Olympic opening ceremony. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Europe Legal Matters

Priest in Austria arrested for producing crystal meth in church rectory

A Catholic priest in Austria has confessed to producing crystal meth in his parish presbytery. Source: CNA.

Animals Europe

Priest calls on Pope to denounce bullfighting

A British priest has appeared in an advertisement for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals UK, denouncing bullfighting and calling on Pope Francis to condemn the sport. Source: CNA.


Northern Ireland bishops call for abolition of cap on child benefits

The bishops of Northern Ireland have sharply criticised the outgoing British Government for maintaining the two-child benefits cap and called for its abolition in the next Parliament. Source: The Tablet.


Spanish nuns excommunicated for crime of schism

The Church in Spain has decreed the excommunication and expulsion from the consecrated life of the Poor Clare nuns of Belorado for committing the crime of schism. Source: CNA.

Europe Euthanasia

European Church leaders welcome ruling on assisted suicide

Catholic Church representatives have welcomed a ruling by Europe’s top human rights court that countries have no obligation to allow physician-assisted suicide. Source: OSV News.

Europe Euthanasia

Physically healthy young woman dies by euthanasia in Netherlands

A physically healthy 29-year-old woman was allowed to end her life through euthanasia in the Netherlands on the grounds of depression, sparking renewed debate about the sanctity of life and legislation. Source: CNA.