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Taxes should be used to protect disadvantaged: Cardinal 

Individuals and corporations have a moral obligation to pay their fair share of taxes, and wealthy nations have an obligation to use that money to help the poor and provide aid to developing nations, says the Vatican secretary of state. Source: CNS.

Finance Pope Francis

Don’t prioritise profit over people, Pope tells bankers

Pope Francis has warned against financial speculation that prioritises profit over people, resulting in exploitation and social inequalities. Source: Vatican News.

Finance Vatican

Report suggests long-term worries for Vatican finances

A new analysis of the Vatican’s finances by an Italian news outlet contains both good and bad news, pointing to relative success in efforts to contain ballooning deficits but also seemingly irreversible long-term declines. Source: Crux.

Finance Vatican

Vatican continues expenditure reforms with release of new documents

Continuing the long-running updating of laws and norms regarding Vatican expenditures and processes for awarding contracts, Pope Francis issued two documents yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Finance HIgher Education Women

Notre Dame and trailblazer help women get down to business

The University of Notre Dame Australia is partnering with businesswoman Donny Walford to empower women by giving them the skills to make smart decisions with money and tools to climb the career ladder.

Finance Inequality

Richest 5 per cent hold one-third of country’s wealth, report reveals

Australia’s wealth gap has continued to grow over the past two decades, with superannuation and property investment driving inequality across the country, a new report has revealed. Source: The Guardian.

Finance Vatican

Vatican investment office reports $55m profit for 2022

The Vatican investment office made 32.27 million euros (about $A55 million) in profit in 2022 and contributed the entire amount to the Vatican’s operating budget, said Bishop Nunzio Galantino, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See. Source: NCR Online.

Finance Vatican

Vatican Bank reports increased profit, recovery of stolen funds

The Institute for the Works of Religion, often referred to as the Vatican Bank, made a net profit of 29.6 million euros (about $A47.5 million) in 2022, a 63 per cent increase from the profit reported in the previous year (18.1 million euros), according to its annual report. Source: NCR Online.

Budget Finance

Chalmers taps banks and super to fix social disadvantage

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is working on plans to attract banks and superannuation funds to set up a social impact investing fund in the May Budget to tackle “entrenched disadvantage”. Source: Australian Financial Review.