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Perth Catholic hospital redevelopment plan gets approval

The transformation of St John of God Subiaco Hospital has reached a milestone with the Western Australian Planning Commission granting approval for the hospital’s redevelopment. Source: The eRecord.

Health Politics

ACT Government to take control of Calvary hospice

The ACT Government will take control of Clare Holland House next week after it reached an agreement with Calvary over the hospice. Source: Canberra Times.

Health Politics

Calvary considers appealing court’s decision on hospital takeover

Calvary is weighing its options to appeal a legal finding that the ACT Government’s takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce was lawful, after the ACT Supreme Court revealed why it dismissed the Catholic health provider’s arguments. Source: The Australian.

Health Opinion

Fears over anti-Catholic bias as government rips up hospital contract

The ACT Government has trashed the sanctity of Australian property rights with a rash and heavy-handed takeover of the Catholic-run Calvary Hospital in Canberra, writes Senator Matt Canavan. Source: The Courier Mail.

Health Politics

Canavan introduces bill to force ACT to hold Calvary inquiry

Queensland LNP Senator Matt Canavan has introduced a bill to force the ACT Government to hold an inquiry into its compulsory takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.

Health Politics

Former PM slates Albanese’s stance on Calvary Hospital takeover

Former prime minister John Howard has called the ACT Government’s forced takeover of the Catholic-run Calvary Public Hospital Bruce the greatest assault on the principle of private ownership he has seen in Australia. Source: The Weekend Australian.


Coalition fails to launch inquiry into takeover of Calvary Hospital

The Coalition has failed in a bid to establish a Senate inquiry into the ACT Government’s forced takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.

Health Politics

Coalition seeks crossbench support for Calvary Senate inquiry

The Coalition is urging the Senate crossbench to “give ACT residents a voice” as it seeks support for a Senate inquiry into the ACT Government’s forced takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.


Calvary to put staff at centre of transition following court decision

Calvary has expressed disappointed at the ACT Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss the application challenging the validity of the ACT Government’s attempt to compulsorily acquire Calvary Public Hospital and says it will continue to put its staff at the centre of the transition. Source: Catholic Voice.