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Education HIgher Education

Rise in teaching enrolments a boost for profession

Enrolments in Australian Catholic University’s teaching courses have soared at its Brisbane campus in a positive sign for the profession, which has long struggled with educator shortages.

HIgher Education

Partnership offers scholarships to Indigenous nurses

The University of Notre Dame Australia, in partnership with St John Western Australia, is offering its first scholarship to First Nations registered nurses to undertake a Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine Program. Source: The eRecord.

Health HIgher Education

Fee-free course takes load off future nurses

The first cohort of students to graduate debt-free from Mater Education’s Diploma of Nursing are set to kick off their healthcare careers without the burden of paying off tuition fees. Source: Catholic Health Australia.

Appointment HIgher Education

Philosophy professor to head ACU’s Western Civilisation Program 

Australian Catholic University has appointed Peter Anstey as director of the university’s Western Civilisation Program.

HIgher Education

University to increase education opportunities in Western Sydney

The University of Notre Dame Australia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Liverpool City Council, reflecting the University’s commitment to providing close-to-home education opportunities to Western Sydney residents.

HIgher Education Scholarship

Australian Catholic University students score prestigious scholarships

Two Australian Catholic University students have been awarded New Colombo Plan scholarship to study abroad in 2025.

HIgher Education

Education a privilege and a responsibility: Price

“Education gives you freedom,” Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price said, as she delivered the occasional address at Campion College’s 17th graduation ceremony on Tuesday.

HIgher Education Scholarship

Notre Dame student awarded Indo-Pacific scholarship

The University of Notre Dame Australia has congratulated law and arts student Genevieve Phillips for being awarded a prestigious 2025 New Colombo Plan Scholarship.

HIgher Education

ACU appoints Sydney vicar general to senior role

Sydney Archdiocese’s vicar general, Fr Gerald Gleeson, has been appointed as Australian Catholic University’s senior advisor of Catholic identity and mission.