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Holy See renews call for debt cancellation for small island nations

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations has urged the international community to help Small Island Developing States through concrete efforts, which can include debt relief and debt cancellation. Source: Vatican News.

International Youth

Gathering of young Christians in Iraq a symbol of hope for the future

Church leaders say a gathering of almost 2000 young Christians in Iraq has provided hope for the future and encouraged the new generations to stay and invest in their country and in their community. Source: Aid to the Church in Need.

International South Asia

Sri Lankan cardinal calls for immediate elections to resolve unrest

Sri Lanka’s leading Catholic prelate has called for snap elections so the country can select new leadership amid a protracted economic crisis and what critics see as increasingly harsh crackdowns on anti-government protests. Source: Crux.


Biden meets priest who gave son last rites

US President Joe Biden broke down in tears on the final day of his four-day trip to Ireland after a chance meeting with the priest who gave his son Beau the last rites before he died in 2015. Source: The Guardian.