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In The Dioceses Lecture

Czech theologian says concept of the Church should be broadened

Czech theologian, philosopher and priest Msgr Tomáš Halík says we need to broaden the concept of Church and to provide spaces for people to ask questions. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Lecture Synodality

Senior Synod official to visit Australia for lecture series

Sr Nathalie Becquart XMCJ, one of the most senior women working in the Vatican, is coming to Australia for a whirlwind tour in February and will speak at public forums and lectures in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Lecture Social Teaching

Pope wants us to behave ‘like the siblings we are’

The Church’s current social teaching is profoundly rooted in the Second Vatican Council and oriented to the urgent needs of today, Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ said in the Australian Cardijn Institute’s annual lecture. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Lecture Philosophy

Modern conversation dominated by ‘tribalism and incendiary rhetoric’

ABC Religion and Ethics online editor Scott Stephens explored the idea of “relearning the art of gracious conversation” in his 2022 Simone Weil Lecture on Human Value in Melbourne. Source: Melbourne Catholic.