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Pope asks Christians to compare their daily lives to the lives of migrants

In a message signed before he was hospitalised, Pope Francis has urged Christians to examine their consciences this Lent by comparing their daily lives to the hardships faced by migrants. Source: CNS.

Lent Opinion

Lent a chance to embrace discomfort for a greater outcome

As creatures of comfort we rarely court hardships, but Lent gives us an opportunity to give something up for a greater outcome, writes Justine Toh. Source: The Guardian. 

Lent Media Social media

Woe to those who end up in media meat grinder: Papal preacher

The media and social networks can be crueller than wild beasts, the preacher of the papal household has told top Vatican officials and employees. Source: OSV News.

Lent Pope Francis Priesthood

Pope Francis gives seminarians new Lenten goals

Pope Francis says Catholics – and especially seminarians – should this Lent rediscover the joy of simplicity, pay less attention to their appearance than to their prayer lives and make a special effort to get along with everyone they live with. Source: OSV News.

Lent Pope Francis

In a social media era, make private time for God: Pope

Pope Francis opened the Lenten season with a procession and Mass on Ash Wednesday yesterday, telling Catholics to carve out a silent space for God amid the buzz of the digital era in which little remains private. Source: Crux.

Books Lent Pope Francis

New book helps people explore Pope’s teaching on belonging

A new book guides people through an eight-day Ignatian retreat, but also provides insights into the spirituality, theology and pastoral practices of Pope Francis, according to its author, papal biographer Austen Ivereigh. Source: CNS.

Lent Pope Francis

Pope challenges the faithful to seek to change the world this Lent

Lent is a time to free oneself from slavery and take action to free others suffering from the multiple forms of slavery that afflict the world, Pope Francis has said in his Lenten message for 2024. Source: CNS.

Lent Pope Francis

Pope released from hospital, presides at Palm Sunday Mass

The unborn, migrants, the elderly and the disabled are “living icons” of Jesus that call Christians to draw close to those who feel abandoned just as Christ did on the cross, Pope Francis said on Palm Sunday. Source: CNS.

Charity Lent

Project Compassion helping those hit by war, crises and disasters

One of the longest-running charity campaigns in the nation, Caritas Australia’s annual Project Compassion Lenten appeal, has helped support hundreds of thousands of people hit by humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters in the last year.