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Bishops warn against legalising divorce in Philippines
Catholic bishops in the Philippines have urged Filipinos to pause and reflect on how legalising divorce could affect families and society. Source: CBCP News.
Philippines takes step towards legalising divorce
As the Philippines moved closer to legalising divorce from marriage, a leading Catholic bishop warned that “divorce weakens the fabric of society”. Source: Crux.
Greece’s Catholics and Orthodox deplore approval of same-sex marriage
Greece’s minority Catholic Church has deplored a parliamentary vote to allow same-sex marriage and child adoption, the first in a predominantly Orthodox country. Source: OSV News.
Faith-based marriage program celebrates golden anniversary
Worldwide Marriage Encounter, a faith-based program that aims to help husbands and wives strengthen their relationships, is next month celebrating its 50th anniversary in Australia. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Supporting the marital vocation a Teams effort
Catholic couples from Colombia, Italy, France, Spain, Brazil and Australia met in Adelaide to share how lay organisation Teams of Our Lady has blessed their marriages. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Bishop claims marriage ‘disappearing’ in Britain
An English Catholic bishop says the shrinking number of marriages in Britain is causing negative social consequences, the implications of which are only beginning to be worked out, not least for the wellbeing of children. Source: Crux.
Church of England proposes blessing of same-sex unions, but no marriage
The Church of England has rejected calls to allow clergy to conduct same-sex marriages but is proposing that couples who married in a civil ceremony may have their union blessed in church. Source: Guardian Australia.
Queensland named divorce capital of Australia
Queensland had the highest crude divorce rate in Australia last year, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed. Source: The Catholic Leader.