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Charity Natural disasters North Africa

Pope appeals to international community to help Libya

Caritas agencies are responding to flooding in Libya where at least 5300 lives have been lost and more than 10,000 people are missing, as Pope Francis appealed for the international community to come to the aid of the hard-hit nation.

Charity Natural disasters

Caritas responds to devastating earthquake in Morocco

Caritas agencies are responding to the earthquake in Morocco, where more than 2600 lives have been lost and thousands have been injured. 

Natural disasters North Africa

Pope renews prayers for victims of deadly earthquake in Morocco 

For the second day in a row, Pope Francis has expressed his condolences for the thousands of people who have died or were affected by the devastating earthquake that struck central Morocco on Friday. Source: Vatican News.

Education Natural disasters

Three flood-affected Lismore Catholic schools to relocate

Lismore’s largest school will be one of three relocated after a long-awaited review of the viability of Catholic schools in flood-affected areas. Source: ABC News.

In The Dioceses Natural disasters

One year after devastating floods, Lismore slowly rebuilds 

A year after record floodwaters devastated Lismore, the Northern Rivers town is rebuilding, even though it’s happening at a frustratingly slow pace for many residents. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Charity Natural disasters

Money raised at festival to go to victims of NSW floods

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has announced proceeds from this year’s Christmas at the Cathedral event will go directly towards providing relief and recovery to the victims of the New South Wales flood disaster. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Charity In The Dioceses Natural disasters

Molong’s Ukrainian refugees return the favour

Little did the volunteers preparing a home for Ukrainian refugees in central west New South Wales know that just weeks later they would find themselves homeless and in need of charity from those they had welcomed. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Natural disasters South East Asia

More than 50,000 Indonesians displaced by deadly earthquake

Caritas agencies are responding after more than 50,000 people were displaced in the wake of the magnitude 5.6 earthquake that struck Indonesia this week. Source: Caritas Australia.

Appeal Natural disasters

Bishop McKenna launches Bathurst flood appeal

Bathurst Bishop Michael McKenna has launched an appeal for people and communities in Central West New South Wales who have been devastated by recent floods.