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Pope Francis Poverty

Christians are called to be friends of the poor: Pope

Ahead of the eighth World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis has urged Christians around the world to share in the suffering of the poor and to commune with them through the act of prayer. Source: CNA.

Liturgy Pope Francis

Keep your homilies short or people will fall asleep: Pope

Pope Francis has once again appealed to priests to keep their homilies short, this time warning that homilies should be no longer than eight minutes or “people will fall asleep”. Source: CNA.

Arts and Entertainment Pope Francis

Funny business: Pope to address top comedians at the Vatican

Pope Francis will take the mic in front of over 100 comics, stand-up comedians and humourists, including Americans Stephen Colbert and Whoopi Goldberg, at the Vatican on Friday. Source: CNA.

Anniversary Pope Francis

Pope Francis marks D-Day anniversary with call for peace

Marking 80 years since some 4,400 Allied troops “heroically gave their lives” to the cause of freedom by storming the beach in Normandy, D-Day commemorations remind the world that disrupting peace in pursuit of worldly interests is a grave sin, Pope Francis said. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis

Papal document will speak to a world that has ‘lost its heart’

Pope Francis announced that he is preparing a document on the Sacred Heart of Jesus to “illuminate the path of ecclesial renewal, but also to say something significant to a world that seems to have lost its heart”. Source: OSV News.

Pope Francis Youth

Australian students to join in regional online chat with Pope

Australian students will join other Asia-Pacific young people in an online dialogue with Pope Francis ahead of his trip to the region. Source: NCR Online. 

Pope Francis

Holy Spirit the key to healing ‘internal chaos’ and social injustice: Pope

The social and political problems plaguing modern society can be resolved only by allowing the Holy Spirit to heal humanity’s inner turmoil, Pope Francis said. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis

Pope apologises for offence caused by use of derogatory word

The Vatican has issued an apology after Pope Francis’ use of an offensive word in Italian regarding seminarians who identify as gay. Source: CNA.

Interfaith Pope Francis

Pope to Buddhists: ‘Let’s work together for a more inclusive world’

Pope Francis has reiterated the importance of a closer collaboration between the Church and Buddhists to address the pressing challenges facing the world today. Source: Vatican News.