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Census Parish Life Research

‘Social profiles’ help parishes serve their communities

Profiles of 1230 Catholic parishes across Australia have been published, offering a wealth of insight they can use to better serve the needs of their local communities. Source: ACBC.

Education Research

Inaugural research colloquium examines future of Catholic education

The future of Catholic education and how teachers can ensure students go on to develop their faith has been the key focus for Australian and international researchers at a one-of-a-kind colloquium this week. Source: The eRecord.

Families Research Safeguarding

New study looks to reduce child maltreatment in the home

New Australian Catholic University research has identified a complex interplay of child, parental, and contextual factors associated with the maltreatment of children by their families.

HIgher Education Research

Notre Dame launches new research strategy 

Research that addresses real-world challenges and seeks to improve people’s lives is the focus of the University of Notre Dame Australia’s new University Research Strategy 2023-26.

Aged Care Research

Improving oral health for aged care residents just an app away

Australian Catholic University health researchers will develop a new app-based protocol to improve the oral health and wellbeing of aged care residents, thanks to a $210,000 grant from Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia.


Study probes relationship between religious beliefs, nightmares and anxiety

Australian researchers are investigating whether faith and spirituality influences how people dream – and whether people who are religious are less likely to have nightmares and dreams about death. Source: ABC News.

Family Violence Research

Two-thirds of abused children face more than one type of maltreatment

Australian-first research into the prevalence of childhood maltreatment has revealed almost two-thirds of children who experience any child abuse or neglect have been subjected to more than one type. Source: ACU.

Anniversary Research

Researchers get to work on history of Young Christian Workers movement

To mark the forthcoming centenary of the foundation of the Young Christian Workers movement in Belgium, the Australian Cardijn Institute is launching a project to record the history of the movement in Australia and the Oceania region.

Poverty Research

Report shows poverty growing globally

Declining access to food, greater discrimination against women and widening restrictions on religious freedom have contributed to a higher rate of poverty worldwide, said a new report by a Jesuit research university program. Source: CNS.