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Appointment Seafarers

Fr Tony takes the helm at Stella Maris Australia

Fr Tony Cox SSC has been appointed national director of Stella Maris Australia. He will run the national office from the Stella Maris Centre Melbourne.


Stella Maris crew on a mission to help seafarers

It’s often the little things in life that bring happiness and joy, but when you’re a seafarer who has been out at sea for 45 days and haven’t seen your family for up to eight months, those little things can be few and far between. Source: The Southern Cross.

Charity Seafarers

Catholics asked to help welfare agency do a Stella job for seafarers

Catholics around Australia are being asked to reflect on and support seafarers over two Sea Sundays this year. Source: Stella Maris Australia.

Chaplaincy Seafarers

Seafarers face injustice, exploitation, inequality: Cardinal Czerny

In a message for the international celebration of Sea Sunday, Cardinal Michael Czerny writes that seafarers experience the “boundless beauty” of the seas, as well as their “physical, spiritual, and social darkness”. Source: Vatican News.


Vatican reiterates closeness to seafarers

In a message marking the annual celebration of Sea Sunday this weekend, the Vatican has reiterated the Church’s closeness to all people working at sea. Source: Vatican News.

Pope Francis Seafarers

Pope encourages Stella Maris in apostolate to seafarer

Pope Francis has urged Stella Maris to never waver in highlighting issues affecting seafarers, pointing out challenges faced by the maritime community in his address to the 25th World Congress of the Apostleship of the Sea. Source: Vatican News.