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Bible Media United States Youth

Nine-year-old podcaster creates ‘Kid’s Bible in a Year’

A nine-year-old boy from Michigan who wants to be a priest when he grows up has created a kids’ version of the popular “The Bible in A Year” podcast. Source: CNA.

Religious Freedom United States

US Catholic hospital threatens to sue over sanctuary candle ban

A Catholic health system in Oklahoma has threatened to sue the United States Government over a decision to deny re-accreditation to one of its hospitals if it doesn’t follow an order to extinguish a long-lit sanctuary candle for safety purposes. Source: Crux.

United States

Boston Archdiocese will respond to ‘SatanCon’ with ‘intense prayer’

The Archdiocese of Boston is responding to the Satanic Temple’s “SatanCon” event in Boston with scheduled eucharistic adoration, Catholic devotions and “intense prayer”. Source: CNA.

Abuse crisis United States

Former cardinal McCarrick faces new abuse charge

Former cardinal Theodore McCarrick faces a new charge of sexual assault in the US state of Wisconsin, in addition to those he is battling in a Massachusetts court. Source: OSV News.

Gun Violence United States

Nashville bishop offers prayers for victims of school shooting

Leaders of the Nashville Diocese expressed sadness and shock over a school shooting at a Christian primary school in the Tennessee capital, while offering prayers for the victims, their families and the entire school community. Source: Crux.

United States

US bishops reject ‘eco-friendly’ alternatives to burial and cremation 

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops doctrine committee has confirmed that two new alternatives to burial and cremation fail to comply with the Church’s teaching on respect for the bodies of the dead. Source: OSV News.

Health United States

Catholic health care institutions in US ‘should not perform gender transitions’

The United States bishops have issued new guidance that Catholic health care institutions must not perform gender transition interventions, whether surgical or chemical, on a person regardless of their age. Source: Crux.

Abuse crisis United States

New ministries take Christ to abuse survivors to promote healing

A US archdiocese has introduced two new ministries to promote healing for those harmed by clergy abuse. Source: OSV News.

Canon Law United States

British come to priest’s rescue in US canon law dispute

A popular canon law website will continue to offer its content to the public despite fears that it would have to shut down because of a copyright dispute over its English translation of the Church’s Code of Canon Law. Source: CNA.