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North America Vatican

Francis calls for release of Haiti hostages

Pope Francis has called for the release of six religious sisters and other hostages who were kidnapped while travelling on a bus in the Haitian capital of Port-Au-Prince. Source: Global Sisters Report.

Bioethics Health Vatican

Pope warns against inequality in healthcare and clinical research

Inequalities in healthcare and clinical research must be prevented, Pope Francis has told medical doctors, health practitioners, researchers, ethicists and other experts attending a conference at the Vatican. Source: CNS.

Finance Vatican

Vatican continues expenditure reforms with release of new documents

Continuing the long-running updating of laws and norms regarding Vatican expenditures and processes for awarding contracts, Pope Francis issued two documents yesterday. Source: OSV News.

Pope Francis Vatican

War is a crime against humanity: Pope

Pope Francis made a strong appeal for peace yesterday, calling modern warfare “a crime against humanity” that sows death among civilians and destroys cities. Source: National Catholic Register.

Architecture Vatican

Canopy over main altar of St Peter’s Basilica to undergo restoration

The nearly 400-year-old sculpted canopy towering over the main altar of St Peter’s Basilica will be surrounded by scaffolding for most of 2024 as it is washed, repaired and restored. Source: CNS.

Pope Francis Vatican

Pope urges Vatican bureaucrats to resist ‘rigid ideological positions’

In his annual Christmas address to members of the Roman Curia, Pope Francis urged the Church’s governing bureaucracy to be open to change and to resist “rigid ideological positions” that prevent them from moving forward. Source: Crux.

Legal Matters Vatican

Convicted cardinal wants to ‘shout to the world that I’m innocent’

In his first major media appearance since being convicted of financial crimes by a Vatican tribunal and sentenced to five-and-a-half years in prison, Cardinal Angelo Becciu said, “I want to shout to the world that I’m innocent”. Source: Crux.


Vatican provides new definition of how and when gay couples can be blessed

A priest can bless gay and unmarried couples as long as it is not a formal liturgical blessing and does not give the impression that the Church is blessing the unions as if they were a marriage, the Vatican announced. Source: CNS.

Legal Matters Vatican

Court convicts cardinal in Vatican’s ‘Trial of the Century’

Judges delivered verdicts in the Vatican’s financial corruption trial on Saturday, sentencing Cardinal Angelo Becciu to more than five years in prison and convicting five other defendants for financial crimes. Source: CNA.