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Pope Francis Vatican

Pope responds to cardinals on female priests, same-sex blessings

Pope Francis has addressed issues surrounding the authority of the Synod on Synodality, women’s ordination and blessing homosexual unions in a response to a “dubia” letter sent to him by five cardinals seeking clarification on doctrinal questions. Source OSV News.

Global Church Vatican

Pope creates 21 cardinals from 15 different countries

Pope Francis created 21 new cardinals from across the world at a consistory on Saturday, reflecting on how the geographic expansion of the Church’s leadership represents a fulfilment of the promise of Pentecost. Source: National Catholic Register.

Legal Matters Vatican

WA Police want Vatican report on Bishop Saunders

Western Australian Police have called on Church authorities to hand over the Vatican investigation into former Broome Bishop Christopher Saunders. Source: The West Australian.

Legal Matters Vatican

Allegations against Bishop Saunders ‘very serious and deeply distressing’

The Australian portion of a Vatican-ordered investigation into former Broome Bishop Christopher Saunders has been completed, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has confirmed.

History Vatican

Letter shows Pope Pius knew about Nazi death camps 

Newly discovered correspondence suggests that World War II-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6000 Jews and Poles were being killed each day in German-occupied Poland. Source: Sight Magazine.

Doctrine Vatican

Doctrine is ‘treasure’ that must be defended, says new dicastery head

When Pope Francis said he wanted the focus of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith to be “something very different” from its reputation as a stringent watchdog, he was not saying anything goes, the dicastery’s new prefect said. Source: CNS.

China Peace Vatican

Cardinal Zuppi to visit China as part of Ukraine peace mission 

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi will today begin a three-day visit to China as Pope Francis’ special envoy to seek peace in Ukraine. Source: Vatican News.

Synod Vatican

Vatican offers details on how synod will work and media access

Any limitations and rules regarding media access during the upcoming Synod on Synodality are rooted in the “essence” of a Synod and meant to help participants in their discernment process, a Vatican official has told reporters. Source: CNS.


Pope Francis thanks Cardinal Ladaria for years of service

Pope Francis met with Cardinal Luis Ladaria yesterday to thank him for his six years as head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Source: CNA.