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Religious Orders Vatican

Vatican closes women’s community co-founded by Fr Rupnik

The Vatican has ordered the dissolution of the Community of Loyola, a religious community of women founded in Slovenia with the assistance of Fr Marko Rupnik, who has been accused of abuse, including of women in the community. Source: OSV News.

Art Vatican

Visitors get backstage pass to discoveries of the Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums has launched an initiative to give visitors – online and in person – a “backstage” peek into the secrets, curiosities and insights discovered by their art restorers. Source: OSV News.


Vatican upholds ban on scattering ashes, allows preservation in sacred places

The Vatican has upheld a rule mandating that the ashes of the deceased be preserved in a consecrated place, but it also said family members could request “a minimal part of the ashes” be kept in a sacred place of “significance for the history of the deceased person”. Source: CNS.


Vigilance needed in fight against Vatican corruption: Pope

In a meeting with the Vatican’s Office of the Auditor General yesterday, Pope Francis urged staff to fight the “insidiousness of corruption” in the Holy See and Vatican City State. Source: Vatican News.


Pope, Council of Cardinals discuss role of women in the Church

With the input of two women and a priest, Pope Francis and members of his international Council of Cardinals have this week discussed the role of women in the Church. Source: OSV News.

Jubilee 2025 Vatican

St Peter’s Basilica unveils charity projects ahead of 2025 Jubilee

As preparations continue in Rome for the 2025 Jubilee year, St Peter’s Basilica has announced two new charity projects aimed at helping refugees and prisoners. Source: Vatican News.

Theology Vatican Women

Pope asks theologians to help ‘de-masculinise’ the Church

Asking pardon for speaking plainly, Pope Francis told members of the International Theological Commission that “one of the great sins we have had is ‘masculinising’ the Church”, which also can be seen by the fact that only five of the commission members are women. Source: CNS.

Christmas Vatican

Catholics can receive a plenary indulgence by praying before a Nativity scene 

Catholics will be able to receive a plenary indulgence by praying before a Nativity scene in a Franciscan church as part of the 800th-anniversary celebrations of the Rule of St Francis and the creation of the first Nativity scene. Source: CNA.

Middle East Vatican

Church leaders hopeful hostage deal leads to end of Gaza war

The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has expressed happiness at the hostage-exchange agreement reached between Israel and Hamas yesterday, and said he hoped it would lead to the end of the war. Source: NCR Online.