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Papal academy launches ‘observatory’ to evaluate Marian apparitions

The Pontifical International Marian Academy has created a commission to study and monitor cases of possible Marian apparitions and other mystical phenomena. Source: NCR Online.


Dominican Sister to head Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Pope Francis has named Dominican Sister Helen Alford, dean of the faculty of social sciences at the Angelicum University in Rome president of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Source: CNS.

History Vatican

Vatican formally repudiates ‘doctrine of discovery’ used to justify colonisation 

The Vatican yesterday formally repudiated the “doctrine of discovery”, officially declaring that a historic policy used to justify colonial exploitation is “not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church”. Source: NCR Online.

Liturgy Vatican

Supporters of Latin Mass mount billboard campaign

A group of Traditional Latin Mass supporters in Italy has sponsored a billboard campaign in a neighbourhood near the Vatican. Source: CNA.

Central America Vatican

Vatican closes embassy in Nicaragua after Ortega’s crackdown

The Vatican has closed its embassy in Nicaragua after the country’s government proposed suspending diplomatic relations, the latest episode in a years-long crackdown on the Catholic Church by the administration of President Daniel Ortega. Source: Sight Magazine.

China Vatican

Vatican negotiating with China to make agreement ‘work better’

The Vatican’s foreign minister has said that the Vatican-China deal was “not the best deal possible” and that negotiations are underway to make the deal “work better”. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Vatican

Pope appoints five cardinals to advisory council

Pope Francis has revamped his advisory body of cardinals by appointing five new members, including Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, one of the leaders of the global synod process. Source: The Tablet.

History Vatican

Vatican to return fragments of Parthenon statues to Greece

The Vatican and Greece yesterday finalised a deal for the return of three sculpture fragments from the Parthenon that have been in the Vatican Museums’ collection for two centuries. Source: NCR Online.


Pope cuts free and discounted rent for high-level Vatican officials

Pope Francis has cut housing perks for Vatican managers and cardinals in order to save the Church money. Source: CNA.