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Energy Victoria

Gas to electricity plan will ‘tax the poor to subsidise the wealthy’

The St Vincent de Paul Society’s general manager of policy and research says the Victorian Government’s plan to subsidise a transition from gas to electrical appliances will act as a tax on the poor. Source: The Australian.

Education Victoria

Call to expand free teaching courses to Catholic schools

Victoria’s Catholic education body has called on the Andrews Government to expand its free teaching courses, arguing it will unfairly favour the state system and won’t fix the teacher shortage crisis. Source: Herald Sun.

Gambling Victoria

Victorians back crackdown on poker machines

The majority of Victorians support mandatory pre-commitment limits and carded play on all Victorian poker machines which the Andrews Government has committed to without announcing when it will introduce the reforms. Source: The Age.

Education Victoria

More private schools to be hit with payroll tax after government backflip

The Victorian Government will add more non-government schools to its payroll tax hit list, four weeks after making assurances that the list of schools subject to payroll tax would not change. Source: The Age.

Gambling Victoria

Victoria announces sweeping gambling reforms

Sweeping gambling reforms aimed at minimising pokies-related harm are set to be rolled out in Victoria, the Andrews Government announced yesterday. Source: Herald Sun.

Education Victoria

Victoria backtracks on private schools payroll tax, lifting threshold to $15,000

Victoria’s highest-fee schools will face new payroll tax rules from next year, but the measure will raise $100 million less than expected after the Government backtracked from its original plan following fierce opposition. Source: The Age.

Education Victoria

New payroll tax on schools ‘unfairly targets’ hard-working families

The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria says the Victorian Government’s new payroll tax for non-government schools unfairly targets hard-working Victorian families and won’t improve the Budget as much as forecast.

Education Victoria

Catholic communities urged to lobby MPs against payroll tax plan 

Victoria’s education minister says the Andrews Government is open to lifting the private schools payroll tax threshold even further as Catholic schools urge school communities to lobby MPs against the plan to slap payroll tax on mid-priced and high-fee schools. Source: The Age.

Education Victoria

Victoria backtracks on plan to impose payroll tax on ‘high-fee’ schools

The Victorian Government has watered down its plan to strip payroll tax exemptions from 110 non-government schools, with Daniel Andrews conceding the measure will not raise as much money as forecast in the state Budget. Source: The Guardian.