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Cost Of Living Welfare

People on JobSeeker struggle to cover basic costs, report finds

Australians on income support are “structurally unable to afford the basics of life” and are unable to absorb any more cost of living increases, according to a new report. Source: The Guardian.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Slowing economy reaps toll on unemployed, firms

More than 900,000 Australians are relying on jobless welfare support payments, as new research reveals one in three small businesses is reporting severe financial hardship and struggling to pay their power bills. Source: The Australian.

Budget Welfare

Treasurer flags welfare increases in next week’s Budget 

Next week’s federal Budget will see an increase in welfare payments, Treasurer Jim Chalmers has revealed. Source: ABC News.

Budget Welfare

Boost JobSeeker or entrench disadvantage, economists say

Leading economists have added their voice to calls for the Albanese Government to boost the rate of JobSeeker, saying the current $386 a week “entrenches disadvantage”. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Politics Welfare

Inflation still a Budget concern: Albanese

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has further dampened the hopes of those looking for welfare increases in the May Budget, saying it was important that fiscal policy matched monetary policy to see off inflation. Source: Australian Financial Review.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Advocates urge immediate increase to JobSeeker payments

Some of Australia’s lowest income earners are struggling to stay financially afloat as JobSeeker payments fail to keep up with rising living costs, advocates warn. Source: The Australian.

Employment Politics Welfare

Sharp rise in Australians moving onto welfare payments

Almost 50,000 people have moved on to JobSeeker and Youth Allowance payments in five months despite historically low unemployment rates, as Treasurer Jim Chalmers warns of labour market weaknesses. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Five million Australians to benefit from boost to welfare payments

Recipients of the age and disability support pensions, carers and single parents are among the five million Australians who will receive boosts to their payments this month as indexation is applied to the benefits. Source: The Australian.

Cost Of Living Welfare

Labor announces $14.4m for emergency food relief programs

The Albanese Government has announced $14.4 million for emergency food relief programs nationwide to respond to the growing cost of living crisis. Source: The Guardian.