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Five million Australians to benefit from boost to welfare payments
Recipients of the age and disability support pensions, carers and single parents are among the five million Australians who will receive boosts to their payments this month as indexation is applied to the benefits. Source: The Australian.
Labor announces $14.4m for emergency food relief programs
The Albanese Government has announced $14.4 million for emergency food relief programs nationwide to respond to the growing cost of living crisis. Source: The Guardian.
Recipients say JobSeeker payment not enough to live on
A majority of people say they cannot live on the JobSeeker rate, boosting calls for the welfare payment to be increased. Source: SBS News.
Welfare payments for almost two million Australians to increase today
Millions of Australians will see a boost to their Centrelink payments such as JobSeeker, Age Pension and Youth Allowance from today. Source: ABC News.
Indexation to give financial boost to 5.5 million Australians
Millions of Australians receiving government support will have their payments lifted by as much as $50 a fortnight as a small relief in the cost-of-living crisis. Source: The Australian.
Coalition proposes to lift benefits cut-off instead of $40 JobSeeker increase
The federal Opposition will attempt to reverse a promised $40 increase to JobSeeker, saying it would help more people and save the Government money to raise the eligibility cut-off instead. Source: ABC News.
Rishworth confirms additional boost for Jobseeker
A much-needed boost is on the way for Jobseeker and those receiving rent assistance, but Australians on other Centrelink payments will have to wait and see whether a similar-sized increase will hit their accounts. Source:
Dutton gives $40 per fortnight JobSeeker increase green light
More than one million Australians on welfare payments will receive an extra $40 per fortnight from late September after the Coalition agreed to back the Albanese Government’s $4.9 billion Budget package. Source: The Australian.
Centrelink payment boost one step closer for millions of Australians
New laws boosting the rate of JobSeeker, along with other Centrelink payments such as Youth Allowance and disability support pensions, were introduced to the federal Parliament yesterday. Source: Yahoo News.