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Chaplaincy Euthanasia

Help for those accompanying Catholics facing end-of-life decisions

Australia’s Catholic bishops have released a new document to guide priests, chaplains and pastoral workers who are asked to provide pastoral support to Catholics who are considering accessing voluntary assisted dying schemes. Source: ACBC and CHA.


Federal Government responds to disability royal commission report

The Albanese Government has revealed its response to the landmark disability royal commission report, which exposed widespread rates of abuse and neglect being experienced by millions of Australians living with a disability. Source:

First Nations Politics

McCarthy to seek bipartisan approach to closing the gap

New Indigenous Australians Minister Malarndirri McCarthy says Labor will seek a new bipartisan approach to closing the gap between Aboriginal Australians and the rest of the country. Source: The Australian.

Digital Life Education

Catholic school adopts online learning to prepare students for university

A Melbourne Catholic all-girls school will offer students a hybrid model of teaching that includes an online component delivered by one of the largest state government schools. Source: The Age.

In The Dioceses Women

Bernadette ‘shocked’ to win Mary Magdalene Award

Maitland-Newcastle Diocese has named Bernadette Newton from the Myall Coast Parish as the winner of the 2024 Mary Magdalene Award, which recognises women who make a difference to their community. Source: MNnews.Today.

Arts and Entertainment

After starring on the big screen, church to feature in new TV series

The historic church on Wurrumiyanga (Bathurst Island) – which featured in the film Top End Wedding – is set to star in a new follow-up television series, further cementing its reputation for being a beacon of faith and cultural heritage. Source: In The Word.

Pope Francis

The faithful can be fully present for others, Pope tells altar servers

Thanks to Jesus’ promise to be with his disciples always, the faithful can be fully present for others, especially those in need, Pope Francis told thousands of altar servers from around the world. Source: CNS.

South America

Venezuelan bishops voice concerns over election results

The Venezuelan Bishops’ Conference announced it was “uniting its voice”  to demands from “inside and outside Venezuela” for the results of Sunday’s general election to be verified. Source: The Tablet.


‘Deceived’ Nigerian bishop withdraws ordination certificates

A Nigerian bishop has withdrawn the ordination certificates of four men he ordained as deacons on July 12 after it was revealed he had been presented with allegedly forged documents claiming the men were qualified for holy orders. Source: CNA.