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Europe Euthanasia

Church condemns Macron’s ‘deceitful’ end-of-life bill

The head of the French bishops’ conference has denounced proposals for a new end-of-life law that would allow assisted suicide under strict conditions as “deceitful”. Source: The Tablet.


Family farming crucial to food production: Pope

Family farming is the key to making systems of food production and consumption more “inclusive, resilient and efficient”, Pope Francis said this week. Source: OSV News.

Politics Religious Freedom

PM to shelve discrimination law changes unless there is bipartisan support

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has told Labor colleagues he won’t proceed with changes to discrimination law unless he gains Coalition support. Source: The Age.

Pope Francis Vocations

Pope calls on Christians to become ‘pilgrims of hope, builders of peace’

Though the global situation risks plunging people into pessimism, Christians are called to pursue their vocation of becoming “men and women of hope”, Pope Francis said in his message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Source: OSV News.

Budget Housing Poverty

Vinnies welcomes government funding for those doing it tough

The St Vincent de Paul Society has contacted leading ministers in the Albanese Government to commend them for driving policy change and financial commitments aimed at improving the wellbeing of many Australians who continue to struggle with daily demands.

Education Mission

Jesuit speaks home truths to school leaders

Catholic schools are modern missionary territories. That was the message from Jesuit priest, film critic and former teacher Fr Richard Leonard SJ when he addressed 260 South Australian Catholic school leaders. Source: The Southern Cross.

Bishops New South Wales Wellbeing

NSW budgets to measure wellbeing, not just dollars and cents

The New South Wales Government will change the state budget to take account of citizens’ wellbeing in addition to traditional economic indicators such as growth, employment and deficits. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.


Student leaders encouraged to be pilgrims of hope

Hundreds of young people across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains have been inspired to walk together on the journey of faith and to find joy in being a Catholic. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Pope Francis

Late night host narrates Pope Francis’ new audiobook memoir

The Catholic late-night talk show host and comedian Stephen Colbert is one of the narrators for the English audiobook version of Pope Francis’ autobiography, which came out overnight. Source: CNA.