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Peace Pope Francis

Pursuit of peace not the responsibility of a few but of all: Pope 

Reflecting on the upcoming Christmas season, Pope Francis yesterday warned that if “desensitisation and indifference to the horrors of war prevail, all of humanity is defeated”. Source: Vatican News.

Bishops In The Dioceses

Broome-bound Bishop Norton farewelled at Brisbane Mass

Brisbane Cathedral parishioners, clergy, colleagues, friends and community members sent Broome Bishop-designate Tim Norton SVD with their blessings at a Mass in St Stephen’s Cathedral on Friday. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Social Justice

Burke heads to Indonesia to discuss transfer of Bali 9 members

Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke will discuss the fate of the remaining Bali Nine prisoners in a critical meeting with the Indonesian Government set to take place later this week. Source:


Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue celebrates milestone

The Australian Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue has celebrated its 200th meeting and almost 50 years of dialogue. Source: The Southern Cross.


Catholic boys school joins fight against gender-based violence

A Catholic boys school in Ballarat, Victoria, is taking part in a program organised by a local community health service to help drive change in the fight against gender-based violence. Source: ABC News.

Asia Mission

Giving the gift of life ‘one drop at a time’

This Christmas, the Archdiocese of Yangon, Myanmar, is calling for urgent support to bring the gift of clean water to vulnerable families affected by the ongoing conflict in the country. Source: Catholic Mission.

Euthanasia United Kingdom

Bishop says British move to legalise suicide will result in ‘devastating law’ 

Following the British Parliament voting in favour of a bill to legalise assisted suicide, the Bishop of Nottingham said it would be “a devastating law”, especially for the sick and vulnerable of society. Source: Catholic Herald.


Spanish bishops affirm ‘you can’t be guilty of someone else’s sins’

The Spanish Bishops Conference has published a doctrinal note criticising the practice of so-called “intergenerational healing” or “healing of the family tree”. Source: National Catholic Register.


Vatican ‘finds’ file on teenager missing for 40 years

The Vatican’s chief prosecutor has confirmed that despite prior denials, the Vatican does possess a confidential file on the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, the so-called “Vatican girl” who went missing over 40 years ago. Source: CNA.