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Religious Freedom Victoria

Victorian Government faces showdown with faith groups over hate laws 

A proposed overhaul of Victoria’s hate laws has provoked a backlash from Church leaders and faith-based groups who fear the reforms will erode protections for religious freedom. Source: The Age.


Plea for more housing as millions at risk of becoming homeless

A sharp increase in the number of Australians facing homelessness has prompted calls to increase the amount of social housing available for the vulnerable. Source: AAP.


Porro says serving in the Eternal City was a ‘great privilege’

A farewell reception was held in Rome last week for Chiara Porro at the conclusion of her four-and-a-half-year term as Australian Ambassador to the Holy See. Source: L’Osservatore Romano.

Abortion South Australia

SA Opposition Leader warns Liberal MPs over late-term abortion debate

South Australian Opposition Leader Vincent Tarzia has warned that any Liberal MP who puts late-term abortion back on the parliamentary agenda would not be welcomed in his shadow cabinet. Source: The Advertiser.

Digital Life Education

Catholic school chatbot filters lessons through religious lens

A world-first Catholic school chatbot is filtering lessons through a religious lens while saving teachers nearly two hours a day in preparing lesson plans, marking assignments and even writing report cards. Source: The Australian. 


Health care group serves hotel-style room service 

St John of God Health Care is the first private health group to introduce room service catering as a nationwide model.

Hunger Poverty

Pope tells G20 leaders that ending world hunger should be their top priority

Pope Francis has called attention to the scandal of world hunger, worsened by armed conflicts and the huge amounts of money spent on weapons rather than helping to feed three billion people without access to food or adequate nutrition. Source: Vatican News.

East Asia

UN body calls called for immediate release of Lai

Catholic entrepreneur Jimmy Lai is being held in prison in Hong Kong unlawfully, a United Nations body ruled last week, just days before his trial under the city’s draconian National Security Law is due to resume. Source: The Tablet.

Liturgy North America

Vatican decision transforms Indigenous expressions into ‘liturgy of the Church’

The Vatican has approved a series of liturgical adaptations for Indigenous communities in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Source: CNA.