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Young Christian workers and students take action

Members of the Young Christian Workers and Young Christian Students reflected on the realities of young people today when they gathered at The Monastery in Adelaide for their annual action conference. Source: The Southern Cross.


Adelaide Lord Mayor silences prayer at meetings

After four months of debate, the Adelaide City Council has ended controversy over the Christian prayer that has been traditionally read before every meeting. Source: The Advertiser.


Housing stoush could give Albanese trigger for double dissolution

Labor will bring its contentious $10 billion housing bill back to Parliament next week, daring the Greens and Coalition to block the unchanged legislation a second time, which would hand the Albanese Government a trigger for an early federal election. Source: The Age.

Germany Vatican

Vatican officials resume talks with German bishops on synodal path

Representatives of the Roman Curia and the German bishops’ conference met on Wednesday to discuss theological and disciplinary issues related to the Church in Germany’s synodal way in a “positive and constructive climate”. Source: NCR Online.

North America

Mexican bishops seek Vatican approval for ‘indigenous liturgical adaptations’

The Mexican Bishops’ Conference has recently presented to the Vatican for its approval a series of indigenous liturgical adaptations for the celebration of Mass for the “original peoples” of the country. Source: CNA.

Film Review

Stepping out of the shadow to save the world

In Shadow, a group of activists hold a public meeting, desperate to save the world. As the meeting unravels, they discover the greatest threat to their future is already in the room. Source: Australian Catholics.

Pope Francis World Youth Day

Pope Francis meets Melbourne pilgrims

Pilgrims from Melbourne Archdiocese met Pope Francis in Rome yesterday in a special private audience as part of the lead-up to World Youth Day Lisbon. Source: Melbourne Catholic.


Budget boost for underfunded Catholic schools in Central Australia

Additional Commonwealth funding to Central Australian schools next year will assist underfunded Catholic schools in one of the most disadvantaged parts of Australia, National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins says.

Health Politics

ACT Government attacks federal bill into takeover of Calvary Hospital

The ACT Government has attacked a federal bill into the Calvary Public Hospital takeover as “inappropriate” and “unnecessary”, and said, if passed, the act would impinge on the right to the territory’s self-determination. Source: Canberra Times.