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Pope says Church needs new ways for bishops to be ‘synodal’

At the first meeting of the Synod on Synodality assembly yesterday, Pope Francis said a bishop’s ministry should include cooperation with the laity and that the Synod will need to identify “differing forms” of this ministry. Source: CNA.

Aged Care

Inspector-General raises concerns over Labor’s aged care reforms

Labor’s $5.6 billion package of aged care reforms risk falling short of what was recommended by the royal commission, the Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care has warned. Source: The Australian. 


Shorten rejects criticism over changes to NDIS funding

National Disability Insurance Scheme Minister Bill Shorten has rebuffed criticism that participants were given less than 48 hours’ notice about crucial changes to items that can be funded by the scheme. Source: ABC News.


New national committee aims to improve standard of clergy care

The head of a team that looks after the welfare of clergy in the Parramatta Diocese will lead a new national committee that aims to improve the standard of clergy care around Australia. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Bishops Southeast Asia

Papal visit reinforced ‘bonds of faith and friendship’ between Darwin and Timor-Leste

Darwin Bishop Charles Gauci has reflected on the “bonds of faith and friendship” between his diocese and Timor-Leste, which he says were reinforced during Pope Francis’s visit to the country last month. Source: Darwin Diocese.


Conference ignites encounters with the risen Christ

Hundreds of young Brisbane’s Catholics spent four days learning more about their faith and encountering Jesus at Ignite Conference. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Middle East Pope Francis Prayer

Francis calls for a global day of prayer, fasting on October 7

Pope Francis has called for a global day of prayer and fasting on October 7 to mark the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel amid escalating violence in the region. Source: National Catholic Register.

United States

Nuns on the Bus back on the road for US election

After a six-year hiatus, a group of women religious are taking their Nuns on the Bus election education campaign to the streets of America ahead of the US presidential election in November. Source: Global Sisters Report.

Asia Prayer

Online prayer group’s ‘little way’ of spreading the good news

A Taiwan-based online prayer group is making some headway in spreading the good news to international Chinese-speakers using St Therese of Lisieux’s “little way” as its model for evangelisation. Source: UCA News.