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Second synod session to open with penitential liturgy

The second session of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, set to bring 368 bishops, priests, religious and laypeople to the Vatican, will begin by asking forgiveness for various sins on behalf of all the baptised. Source: CNS.

Papal Trip Religious Orders

Australian delegation travelled to PNG for Pope’s visit

Leaders of religious institutes, bishops and Catholic Religious Australia’s executive director formed the Australian delegation that went to Papua New Guinea for Pope Francis’ apostolic visit.

Politics Social media

Tech companies undermine social media ban on teenagers

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s pre-election pledge to ban teenagers from social media is being undermined by tech companies refusing to enforce adequate verification barriers and delays in government trials to shield children from digital harms. Source: The Australian.


Season of Creation ‘a time to see with new eyes and listen with new ears’

More than 145 representatives from dioceses, parishes and schools across Australia participated in a three-day “Season of Creation Convocation”, which ended on Saturday. Source: Catholic Earthcare.


Students at Catholic school to learn remotely one day a week

A Catholic secondary school in New South Wales will permanently adopt a flexible timetable that allows senior students to learn remotely one day a week following a year-long trial. Source: ABC News.


No visas issued to Palestinians since May, data reveals

Nearly 500 requests for asylum have been lodged by Palestinians since June, with no applications being approved or rejected, newly released data by the Department of Home Affairs revealed. Source:

Southeast Asia

Jakarta Archdiocese ends 33-year wait for new church

Indonesia’s Jakarta Archdiocese has inaugurated a parish church after a 33-year wait due to objections from local Muslims. Source: UCA News.


Anticipation building ahead of reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral

Excitement is mounting in Paris ahead of the December 8 reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral with only a few cranes remaining on the outside of the iconic French church. Source: OSV News.

South America

Brazilians march in support of religious freedom

Practitioners of different religious traditions marched down Rio de Janeiro’s iconic Copacabana Beach on Sunday to support religious freedom in Brazil, where cases of intolerance have doubled over the past six years. Source: NCR Online.