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Who is poor in Australia? Calls for a national poverty line

Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ national wellbeing framework risks missing a golden opportunity to understand which Australians are living in poverty, says a community service organisation. Source: The Australian.

Disability Opinion

Government’s response to disability royal commission ‘lacklustre’

Disability advocates can be forgiven for being underwhelmed by the Albanese Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission, writes Fr Justin Glyn SJ. Source: Eureka Street.

Social Justice Youth

Youth justice backflip will see ‘more kids reoffending more often’

The Victorian Government’s reversal of its commitment to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 by 2027 is a deeply troubling culmination of harmful rhetoric and disregard for evidence, says Catholic Social Services Victoria.

Aged Care

Fears aged care reforms will be sidelined until after federal election

The aged care sector and MPs have grown increasingly frustrated over secrecy and delays shrouding reforms that are hoped to transform how people are cared for at the end of their lives. Source: Canberra Times.


Catholic Care supports young mothers against homelessness 

A Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains initiative is supporting young pregnant women and mothers who urgently need a place to stay with their children. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrimage

Canberra-Goulburn announces Jubilee pilgrimage churches

Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese has named the four churches designated as pilgrimage churches in the archdiocese during the Church’s upcoming Jubilee Year. Source: Catholic Voice.

New Zealand Safeguarding

New Zealand safeguarding report offer blueprint for improvement

An independent assessment of Catholic safeguarding protocols and procedures in New Zealand has identified significant progress in many areas, while also highlighting where more work is needed. Source: NZCBC.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis reflects on ‘the miracle of the Eucharist’

The Eucharist is a miracle in which Jesus nourishes us with his life and satisfies the hunger in our heart, Pope Francis said yesterday. Source: CNA.


Priest in Ireland survives stabbing by teenage boy 

A priest was stabbed outside an army barracks in Galway, in an attack that has rocked the traditionally Catholic nation. Source: Crux.