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(Caring Foundation)

Auckland Diocese has launched an appeal to help Cyclone Gabrielle victims in the Hamilton and Palmerston North dioceses. Source: NZ Catholic.

Auckland Bishop Steve Lowe said neither diocese had the infrastructure to host a national appeal and both are without a bishop at present.

“We have reached out to them to offer our support,” Bishop Lowe said. “After receiving their approval, I have asked my Caring Foundation to accept donations for families and individuals who have suffered unimaginable damage in the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle.”

The Catholic Caring Foundation provides care and support for families and communities struggling with the effects of poverty and hardship. Since the heavy rain of January 27, it has raised more than $140,000 to help communities throughout Auckland and in Northland. 

Since then, Cyclone Gabrielle has caused wide destruction in the Hamilton and Palmerston North dioceses, particularly in Napier-Hawkes Bay, East Cape-Gisborne and the Coromandel Peninsula.

“The recovery will be long and painful, but in the midst of disaster, we now can come together and make a difference, like New Zealand did for Christchurch in the wake of the earthquakes,” Bishop Lowe said in a personal letter urging support for the appeal.

Details: Caring Foundation Cyclone Relief Appeal


Auckland Catholics launch appeal to help Cyclone Gabrielle victims in Palmerston North and Hamilton dioceses (By Michael Otto, NZ Catholic)