Religions play a crucial role in fostering fraternity by promoting a culture of encounter, Pope Francis told a delegation of Buddhists who visited the Vatican yesterday. Source: Vatican News.
At a time marked by “a continued acceleration of changes affecting humanity and the planet”, religions are called more than ever to foster fraternity by promoting a “culture of encounter”, especially among the young.
Pope Francis stressed this point as he met with a delegation of the United Association of Humanistic Buddhism of Taiwan. The group is visiting Rome for an interreligious “educational pilgrimage”.
In his address to the monks, the Pope remarked that their visit is a “privileged occasion” for advancing the culture of encounter, “in which we take the risk of opening ourselves to others, trusting that we will discover in them friends and brothers and sisters, and in the process learn and discover more about ourselves”.
“As we experience others in their diversity, we are encouraged to accept and embrace our differences.
“An interreligious educational pilgrimage,” said the Pope “can be a source of great enrichment, offering multiple opportunities for us to encounter one another, to learn from one another and to appreciate our various experiences.
“The culture of encounter builds bridges and opens windows to the sacred values and convictions that inspire others. It tears down the walls that divide people and keep them prisoners of preconceptions, prejudices or indifference.”
Pope to Buddhists: Religions play crucial role in fostering fraternity (By Lisa Zengarini, Vatican News)