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Pat Garcia (Catholic Health Australia)

Catholic Health Australia says new aged care funding supporting 15 per cent higher wages for 250,000 care staff was a “game changer” for the sector and would likely keep sinking nursing homes afloat. Source: The Australian.

CHA chief executive Pat Garcia said the Albanese Government’s $11.3 billion additional funding announcement for aged care over the next four years was “a lifeline being thrown to a drowning sector.”

“A number of aged care providers I spoke to [yesterday] are reassessing the once questionable viability of facilities in light of the new numbers,” Mr Garcia said.

Under the new funding model being rolled out in aged care, government support to providers will increase nearly 18 per cent from $206.80 to $243.10 per resident per day, which includes the 15 per cent pay rise for workers.

Mr Garcia said the funding increase was “a game changer for aged care.”

“Homes they were planning on shutting may now be able to stay open. We’ll need to see the finer detail but, at first look, it’s that significant.”

“With 70 per cent of aged care homes running at a loss, this funding boost will save a range of aged care facilities from going to the wall,” Mr Garcia said.

The Government’s confirmation on Wednesday that it would provide $11.3 billion over four years to fund the Fair Work Commission interim decision to award a 15 per cent pay rise to 250,000 nurses and other care workers has prompted a wave of support from seniors advocates, unions and providers.


Aged care funding to save homes from going under, provider says (By Stephen Lunn, The Australian)