The new website for the online edition of the Official Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia has been launched, coinciding with the opening of pre-orders for the new print edition of the directory.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has taken over management of the Official Directory in 2023, after many years being overseen by the National Council of Priests.
The print edition will continue to be produced, in a new partnership with St Pauls Publications. The new website for the online edition will allow subscribers access to real-time information about the people, places and institutions of the Church in Australia.
“As it has done for decades, the Official Directory helps to capture the breadth and depth of the Catholic Church’s outreach into every corner of our country,” said Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, president of the Bishops Conference.
“In these pages, and on the website, we see the names of people who are making a difference in our varied ministries and the places in which the love of Jesus is manifested in parishes, schools, dioceses, health and aged care ministries, social services, publishing and so many other ways.
“We see, too, the great collaboration that exists among the entire People of God – the clergy, consecrated women and men, and our dedicated laity.”
Fr Michael Goonan SSP, director of St Pauls Publications, said the publishing house was excited to work with the Bishops Conference on the project.
“Few Catholic publications in Australia, if any, are as recognisable as the Official Directory, having pride of place on the shelves of Catholic organisations across the country as a means to connect with other ministries,” he said.
“We look forward to continuing the legacy of the Official Directory, mindful of the value so many people place on it and its contents.”
Visit the new Directory website at: https://www.directory.catholic.au/
The online subscription costs $99, inclusive of GST. The print edition costs $99, with a special pre-order price of $85, including GST, available during August.
To purchase a 12-month online subscription to the Official Directory or to pre-order the print edition, visit the St Pauls Publications website at: https://stpauls.com.au/.
New website launched for Official Directory, pre-orders open for print edition (ACBC Media Blog)