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Vinnies commissioned ANU’s Centre for Social Research & Methods to prepare the ‘A Fairer Tax and Welfare System for Australia’ report (St Vincent de Paul Society)

The new tax and welfare policy developed by the Australian National University for the St Vincent de Paul Society suggests up to 834,000 vulnerable people could be lifted out of poverty by targeted reforms to income tax, welfare and superannuation.

The society commissioned ANU’s Centre for Social Research & Methods to prepare A Fairer Tax and Welfare System for Australia. The report, released yesterday, examines how a fairer tax and welfare system could be reformed to reduce inequality and lower the number of people living in poverty and financial stress.

The society said all three models described are budget neutral, do not require a major overhaul of systems and strengthen our progressive tax system. All models are designed to assist low-income and low-wealth households, single parents, isolated persons, renters and those relying on working-age welfare payments.

“The Treasurer has asked for a debate on tax reform. Our reforms reduce inequality and will significantly reshape the lives of vulnerable Australians by lifting them out of poverty and reducing financial stress,” said the Society’s National President, Mark Gaetani.

“The first obvious step is to drop the stage 3 tax cuts legislated by the previous government in a different economic environment. There is no doubt these cuts discriminate against those who need it most.

“Seeing people sleeping rough is a harsh reminder that more must be done to help those in need. This help can only come from those sections of society that can afford it. We look to the Government to make structural changes to increase equality.”

Mr Gaetani said the suggested reforms would benefit low-to-moderate income households by requiring a small number of high-income and high-wealth households to pay around $3000 a year extra in taxation.


Report highlights ways to achieve genuine tax and welfare reform (St Vincent de Paul Society)